Messaging with WildFly and remote ActiveMQ Artemis

Messaging with WildFly and remote ActiveMQ Artemis

I have prepared this repository with all the instructions and the Java code you need:

  • how-to install ActiveMQ Artemis broker
  • how-to install and configure WildFly
  • a complete Java application to send/receive messages

You probably know that WildFly uses ActiveMQ Artemis as its internal messaging broker: all the necessary configuration is pre-baked into WildFly profiles standalone-full.xml and standalone-full-ha.xml configuration files so you don't need to do much to use it, just start WildFly with one of those profiles e.g.

<WILDFLY_INSTALLATION_PATH>/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml

What if you want to use an external ActiveMQ Artemis messaging broker instead?

Here is where the set-up get a little confusing ...

You can read and try an adapt an example from :wildfly/quickstart.git but it takes time .... that's why I have prepared the repository!